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Sunday, December 18, 2011


Weakest and feeble P.M. is responsible to increased the importance of Anna and his gang.It is nature`s law when anybody take defensive stand opposition party taking advantage and take most cruel offensive stand.When Nitish Kumar introduced Lokayutabill in Bihar Anna gang started to bark on him.Nitish strictly warn this is non of your business what i do within second gang kept mum

The Hindu : States / Tamil Nadu : Lokpal: Hazare accuses Govt of betrayal

The Hindu : States / Tamil Nadu : Lokpal: Hazare accuses Govt of betrayal

Friday, October 29, 2010


Those who are burning books on demand to ban the book .they are enemy of nation. They are narrow minded and headless. They donot understand burning books or ban them they are giving that book cheap and free publicity. Demand of that book increased, suppose publisher stop the sale of that book pirated copies of that book came on footpath and people purchase that.

Arundhati Roy Publicity monger

Arundhati Roy was paper tiger only media made her great.Media always want some one who created in society sensation, uproar so they can get sale.Her first Novel got Booker award from that she think herself intelligent and have got right to speak on anything on any subject.She know by experiences that speak some seasonal you get publicity. She is publicity monger and nothing else

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Should We Clone Neanderthals?

May be scientist can clone Neanderthal but what you will do this clone. Put it in museum or they mingle with use on earth?,can they marry with our girl,? which language they speak?After all these are speculation.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


How we choose our vocation?Holland codes is very popular in western countries for as a guide to choose the carrier, I deeply studied it. I think it is faulty.It did not explain in detail why man choose this or that carrier.My experience tell me every man is unique, What kind experiences he went through from his birth he developed his own software in his brain.After all all these experiences are connected in his unconscious mind, in his whole life he behaving with guidance of this unconscious mind.He dance in his whole life on the tune of this unconscious mind. No one remember the unconscious mind because memory developed at the age of six or seven.Question arise how we choose our vocation? My observation is this unconscious mind leading you to your particular vocation .One thing we must remember we have no free will,so where our unconscious mind leading to us , we must accept that vocation,you have no other alternative . Who ignore the call of their unconscious mind they choose wrong vocation and never get success and spend their life in misery or sorrowful way.