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Sunday, June 27, 2010


How we choose our vocation?Holland codes is very popular in western countries for as a guide to choose the carrier, I deeply studied it. I think it is faulty.It did not explain in detail why man choose this or that carrier.My experience tell me every man is unique, What kind experiences he went through from his birth he developed his own software in his brain.After all all these experiences are connected in his unconscious mind, in his whole life he behaving with guidance of this unconscious mind.He dance in his whole life on the tune of this unconscious mind. No one remember the unconscious mind because memory developed at the age of six or seven.Question arise how we choose our vocation? My observation is this unconscious mind leading you to your particular vocation .One thing we must remember we have no free will,so where our unconscious mind leading to us , we must accept that vocation,you have no other alternative . Who ignore the call of their unconscious mind they choose wrong vocation and never get success and spend their life in misery or sorrowful way.

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